Sunday, November 22, 2015

Case Studies

Looking at Hannah's scores you can see right away that her scores are not very consistent.  Form week one to week seven, Hannah was only able to have a grow slope of .833.  In during week four and five she even scored lower than the previous weeks but then improved in week six and five.  Even though she did show some improvement, she did not reach her growth goal and her was not consistent.  Based on that information, I would refer Hannah to Tier 2. 

Emil's average from the five scores is 21.6 words per minute.  He started off with a score of 13 words per minute, and now is at a 30 words per minute, showing constant improvement as each week goes by.  Each time he test he is improving fast; at least four words per minute!  His five-week goal was 22, but he was able to meet it by week three, and even passed it by week four.  Based on these results I could not continue on to tier 2, instead I would keep him in the general classroom. 

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