Sunday, November 22, 2015

Tier One

   Tier 1 consists of about 80% of all students.  In this Tier "all students are screened on a periodic basis to establish an academic and behavioral baseline and to identify struggling learners who need additional support" (RTI Action Network).  With the gather test scores and data educators determine if the student(s) are in need of additional help depending on the score's consistency.
   Once students receive the additional help it is determined whether or not the student will be continue to Tier 2 or if they will returned to the general classroom.  Their continuation to either Tier 2 or to the general classroom depends on the students performance; if the students improve significantly they will go back to their regular class, if they do not, they would go continue on to Tier 2.  The timeline for this part of the RTI process should not go pass eight weeks (RTI Action Network).

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