Sunday, November 8, 2015

iPads in the Classroom

Ipads have been quickly making their way into many classrooms.  Ipads can be used in multiple ways.  For example, language teachers have used them so that students are able to record themselves speaking the language being taught, that way they can hear themselves for practice as well as submit speaking assignments and test.  Other teacher have been able to download textbooks into them to make it easier for students to have their supplies ready.  Teacher that teach students with speech or communication disabilities are able to download multiple apps that help assist student with communicating with them and other students.  Some of cons are that some of the apps and text books require internet access for them to be used.  Also, iPads can easily become a distraction for students and not be used for its intended purpose.  I would personally like to use them mostly for the book access and for the students to use in place of a laptop/computer instead of going to the computer lab.

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